Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Gone Over to the Dark Side (by Ed Selender, 12/11/17, from this week’s home office, in Modesto, California, birthplace of George Lucas, creator of the Star Wars, and Indiana Jones, franchises per Wikipedia)

#10- Whenever you buy a bag of Hershey’s miniatures, you eat all the Special Dark ones first.

#9- Your friends and family insist that, whenever they talk to you on the phone now, you sound more and more like James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader).

#8- You’ve traded in your Red Sox cap and Eli Manning jersey for pinstripes and a Tom Brady bobblehead doll.

#7- You involuntarily pump your fist, and shout “Who’s your daddy?”, when you watch the video of The Force Awakens and they get to the part when Kylo Ren does in (bumps off) his father Hans Solo.

#6- You’ve taken to pulling down the shades, and turning off all the lights, during the daytime.

#5- Your favorite part of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” is when the Grinch steals the candy canes from the baby Hoos, while they’re sleeping.

#4- You no longer put cream in your coffee.

#3- The post office has started forwarding all your mail to the Death Star.

#2- The ringtone, on your smartphone, is The Imperial March (Darth Vader’s Theme).

#1- Your coworkers and direct reports have started referring to you as Lord Vader.


About edwardselender

I am a published writer who enjoys writing and sharing his opinions on all manner of subjects. My writing experience includes: 1) doing freelance writing, 2) having 45-50 letters to the editor (and some op-ed pieces) published in every major Connecticut newspaper in CT (New Haven Register, Hartford Courant, CT Post, Waterbury Republican American, as well as one piece in USA Today), 3) my master's thesis, and 4) writing and serving as associate editor on my alma mater UVa.'s daily paper The Cavalier Daily. Although I have a ton of writing experience, I am new at blogging. Some of the things I would like to blog about include: 1) my consumer experiences (both good and bad), as well as some consumer advice/advocacy, 2) pens (I collect good pens such as Pelikan, Waterman, and Parker), and 3) would like to post my letters/opinion pieces. In addition, I hope my blog will eventually serve as a forum for discussing and/or debating important issues of the day including public health, politics, sports, etc. I have a Master of Public Health degree, 13 years in health insurance, and over 2 1/2 years in human services. **** In honor of Dave Letterman's pending retirement, I will also be posting "Top Ten Lists" created by myself and in conjunction w/ my buddy (title of each list indicates authorship). ****
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